Recalling Your Therapy Session

Psychotherapy Session

Therapy can open new doors, help you make meaningful connections and can allow you to uncover interesting truths about yourself. You may come to terms with some of your struggles and experiences, and may even find ways of coping with certain situations. Therapy has a number of benefits and most clients make progress with every session.While these are all great aspects of therapy, many people struggle to remember all of the points that were discussed during their session and forget the information that made them feel better. If you have experienced this, you are not alone, and remembering all of the information can be challenging for many clients. The real world is not like your therapist's office and it can be hard to unplug yourself from your daily routine so that you can focus solely on yourself. The demands of your professional and personal life can make it almost impossible to speak without interruptions or to think about the deep issues you want to focus on. All of the insights from your session can instantly feel like a distant memory and this is a common occurrence.This can make your sessions feel repetitive because you might be forced to start over each week. The point of therapy is to move forward and this can be hard when you’re starting from square one every time.A lot of clients want to recall their therapy sessions and this is natural so that you can benefit from your discussions and findings all week long. To do this, some clients take notes and while this may seem like an effective approach, the reality is that it’s not because it takes away from the experience and your therapist becomes a teacher speaking to a student. The goal is for the two of you to work together and when you are too busy writing down every word, it can defeat the purpose, and you will be unable to establish a relationship with your therapist who will feel like they are lecturing you as opposed to having a conversation. It can also make the two of you feel disconnected because the session is not meant to be a lecture and turning it into a classroom can affect the relationship and your ability to be heard and understood.For legal and ethical reasons, you may not record therapy sessions and therapists will not allow this option.If you want to recall your therapy session while establishing a relationship with your therapist, you need to be fully present during your session. Many therapists recommend taking notes toward the end of the session so that you can write down takeaway points and focus on them until your next appointment. This would allow you to participate fully in the session while providing you with the opportunity to take down a few key points.If you are looking for a family therapist or a psychotherapist, Daphne Georghiou can help. I specialize in anxiety, trauma, depression and relationship counselling, so if you are in the Vancouver area, give me a call today!


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