Psychotherapy & Counselling - Vancouver
Together We Can
I have the tools and expertise. You have the desire to heal and change. Together we can transform your life. Our sessions will teach you crucial life tools to boost your inner resources. With increased emotional stamina, your relationships will improve--including your relationship with yourself.
Find your authentic voice. Achieve inner strength and unwavering self esteem. My services call upon 25 years of experience helping individuals work through emotional pain, inner conflict, trauma, and family of origin issues.
You deserve to be listened to, validated and supported. I am here to help.
Relationship Therapy for Individuals
If you're feeling hurt, lonely, or alone, it's often hard to reach out. But I'm glad you did. It's the first step to removing the obstacles you face when building loving relationships. If you're struggling with any of these issues, I can help:
You yearn to meet the “right” person but somehow do not get dating “right.” You find yourself being drawn to the same “wrong” person again and again. Your dating life leaves you feeling hopeless and depressed, like something "goes sour." You have trouble trusting, feeling you've been rejected or “burned” too many times. Relationships bring more fear and frustration, than romance. You suffer from infidelity or intimacy issues. A divorce or relationship loss still haunts you. Your inner critic is loud with negative thoughts like “I'm not good enough,” “I can't do it,” or “I'm a failure." As a Registered Clinical Counsellor, I have helped individuals work through inner pain and conflict for over 20 years. I can help you get to the root of your relationship problems. You can learn to build and sustain the loving relationships you've wanted.
Couples & Family Counselling
Whether you're a couple seeking premarital therapy, need help overcoming emotional or physical abuse, or have difficulties with sexual issues, the time to get help is now. As a Licensed Family Therapist and Registered Clinical Counsellor, I can help you, or your loved ones, resolve these problems and more:
Bonding, intimacy or infidelity issues.
Resolving arguments and communication conflict.
Overcoming negative behavioural patterns.
Help for physical, emotional, or mental abuse.
Relieving Grief, Loss, Jealousy.
Overcoming Alcohol or Substance Abuse.
Addressing difficult Family Secrets or Life after Baby.
Feeling disconnected or trapped.
If you recognize any of these problems, remember you’re not alone. And it's not too late to feel valued, appreciated, understood, and loved.
Through in-depth counselling, I’ve successfully supported couples and families in dissolving pain and conflict. Often, within a few sessions, you notice results: the deepening bonds and trust that are so essential for life-long, happy relationships.
Don't wait any longer. Let me help you and your partner rediscover love, and build a positive, harmonious relationship together.
Depression Therapy That Lasts
Depression can feel like living in the depths of a dark cave with little motivation or energy to escape.
If you suffer from sadness, feel disconnected from your loved ones, or have any of the symptoms below, please contact me today. I'm here to help.
A series of lows and highs throughout your life, with little middle-ground.
An addiction cycle used to soothe pain (food, sex, dating, substances).
Low self-esteem or lack of confidence.
Physical, emotional, or mental abuse in your past.
Binge eating or highly restrictive eating habits.
Sleeping too little or too much.
Self-medicating with drugs or alcohol.
Lack of interest, concentration, focus, or an inability to make simple decisions.
Feeling regretful about events and obsessing over negative aspects of a situation.
Post-partum depression or lack of bonding with your newborn.
Obsessive thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
Sleep issues, feeling burned out, or overwhelmed.
As a warm, compassionate, experienced psychotherapist, I utilize a varied toolbox for counselling. This allows me to customise my treatment plan for each individual client.
As a Registered Clinical Counsellor, I provide therapy to help you feel hopeful, motivated, and empowered. You'll learn to regulate your emotions in a soothing, self-nurturing way. And likewise, become more capable of coping with life's challenges.
You can create a new path to a life you'll love. Let me help you.
Anxiety & Life Challenges
Anxiety is hard to live with. So, if you're reading this, it is likely affecting your life deeply.
It can begin after an assault, accident, or other traumatic incident. Or it can be something you've endured most of your life—possibly from childhood.
Unresolved trauma can produce chronic stress and take a major toll on your life. Severe Anxiety can show up as panic attacks —feeling constantly on edge, hyper nervous, or terrified. If you suffer from any of these issues below, please call me today:
You feel overwhelmed by life's challenges.
Bullying or prejudice is wearing you down.
You suffer from panic attacks, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, or a racing heart.
Your inner critic is working overtime.
You find yourself in the same negative loop of obsessive thoughts.
You're "over-doing" exercise, sex, food, or drugs to cope with these thoughts.
You have trouble sleeping or can't relax.
You've been diagnosed with PTSD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), or Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
You imagine that you fit the above diagnoses.
Because Anxiety limits your chances of finding happiness and peace, it is important to take steps to reduce it as quickly as possible. But here's good news: Working toward inner balance and harmony is not as hard as you think! In fact, anxiety and chronic stress affliction have been known to be the most treatable of conditions.
As a Registered Clinical Counsellor, supporting you in finding relief from anxiety and suffering is my number one priority. I am committed to the truth and getting to the heart of a matter. When you're ready to make a lasting, positive change in your life, I am honoured to aid and support you.
Resolving Childhood Pain
When our emotional discord stems from unresolved childhood pain or trauma, it can be hard to recognize. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact me for a free consultation today:
Trouble opening up and trusting others.
Feeling vulnerable and exposed.
Self-medicating with abusing substances.
Exercising too much.
Using sex as an escape.
Fear of failure is impeding your career.
Feelings of not being "good enough," or "unlovable."
Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.
Often, a fear of intimate relationships or "opening up" may prevent you from seeking the help you need. That's why I applaud you for taking this first step. And I encourage you to call me today.
As a Registered Clinical Counsellor, I use proven therapy to help you uncover the source of your pain and resolve it. You can manifest the life you've wanted. Don't hesitate any longer.
Personality Disorders
As a licensed psychotherapist, with many years working in agency clinical settings and in my own private practice, I have the training, skills, and experience to support and help individuals who've been diagnosed with, or may have, a Personality Disorder, such as:
Narcissistic Personality.
Borderline Personality Disorder.
Women’s Body Wisdom Workshops
As the founder of Therapy of Motion. I have designed and led workshops for somatic movement healing and body wisdom integration. Therapy of Motion workshops centre on body-based Expressive Arts Therapy, Continuum Movement, breath work, Somatic Empowerment and enhancing the body-mind connection.
Workshops are conveniently located in Vancouver, BC.