Identifying The Differences Between Depression and Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety and depression are two completely different mental health conditions. Each of the two has differentiating causes, however, their symptoms seem to overlap and treatments are quite similar. It is highly common for an individual to have both anxiety and depression disorders simultaneously. However, it’s crucial to get a correct diagnosis and understand how the two mental illnesses to understand the two and receive treatment. Read on to learn about the must-know differences between anxiety and depression from:
Depression & Common Symptoms
Depression is a mental disorder and condition that negatively impacts you physically and mentally. The additional symptoms of depression disorder include:
A depressed mood (persistent dismal mood and empty feeling)
Loss of interest in activities that were previously enjoyed
Evident appetite changes (weight loss or gain or both)
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and pessimism
Trouble sleeping or sleeping continuously
Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
Suicidal thoughts and/or tendencies
Severe cramping and aches without cause
Why Depression and Sadness Are Not The Same
Depression can only be diagnosed by a medical professional, and often an individual would need to experience five or more of the symptoms listed for over two weeks. Depression is one of the most common forms of mental illness, with an estimated 1 in 15 adults experiencing the effects each year. It’s important to note that being sad and suffering from depression are not synonymous. Sadness is a natural, healthy human emotion, whereas depression is a mental disorder that impairs an individual in many, if not all, aspects of their life.
Anxiety Disorder & Common Symptoms
Feeling anxious once in a while is natural and a healthy response to stressful situations or important decisions. An anxiety disorder, however, is a mental health condition that persists and can get progressively worse over time. Similar to depression; anxiety disorder can interfere with simple tasks of an individual’s everyday life. The common symptoms of an anxiety disorder include:
Feeling fatigued often and easily
An elevated and racing heart rate
Grinding teeth
Feeling and unable to control restlessness, irritability and worries, and fear
Consistent panic
Difficulty focusing or recalling memories
Tensed muscles
Worrying Once In Awhile Is Healthy, Excessive Anxiety Is Not
There are a variety of anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and general anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in Canada, with approximately 3 million Canadians aged 18 and older having an anxiety or mood disorder. If an individual is experiencing the previous symptoms most days for six months or more, they may be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Luckily, living with an anxiety disorder or depression can be manageable with effective treatment and care. You deserve to not only live a healthy life but enjoy the life you live every day. At Somatic Psyche, the tools to transform your life by healing wounds, combating symptoms and preparing for life’s challenges are available for you. For compassionate and progressive anxiety counselling and depression counselling in Vancouver, Contact Daphne Georghiou for a free consultation regarding the counselling services available today!